Form 0619-F or also known as Monthly Remittance Form for Final Income Taxes Withheld is a remittance form that is used to remit final withholding taxes, as mentioned in Revenue Regulations No. 11-2018.
FORM 0619-F

Who needs to file?
Any Individual/non-individual considered as a withholding agent who is required to withhold (and deduct) taxes that were paid to employees. Now, if the agent required to withhold payments is a corporation, then the return shall be filed using the corporation’s name and should be verified by the president, vice president or authorized officer and signed by the appointed treasurer/assistant treasurer.

When to file?
0619-F forms shall be filed every 10th day of the following month at which the withholding was made.

How to file?
Just like any other tax form, you can e-file and e-pay forms for your clients using JuanTax. View this link from our Help Center to get started, Filing Taxes in JuanTax.
If you’re filing for a small business, as a freelancer, or as an individual, learn the step-by-step process for filing tax forms in Fast File. Visit this help article, instead: e-Filing your Taxes using Fast File.

What is this form?
Form 0619-F or also known as Monthly Remittance Form for Final Income Taxes Withheld is a remittance form that is used to remit final withholding taxes, as mentioned in Revenue Regulations No. 11-2018.
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Who needs to file?
Any Individual/non-individual considered as a withholding agent who is required to withhold (and deduct) taxes that were paid to employees. Now, if the agent required to withhold payments is a corporation, then the return shall be filed using the corporation’s name and should be verified by the president, vice president or authorized officer and signed by the appointed treasurer/assistant treasurer.

When to file?
0619-F forms shall be filed every 10th day of the following month at which the withholding was made.

How to file?
Just like any other tax form, you can e-file and e-pay forms for your clients using JuanTax. View this link from our Help Center to get started, Filing Taxes in JuanTax.
If you’re filing for a small business, as a freelancer, or as an individual, learn the step-by-step process for filing tax forms in Fast File. Visit this help article, instead: e-Filing your Taxes using Fast File.
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